Core Complex

Describes the example core-complex for Croyde RISC-V. This module includes tightly integrated memories and trace/debug modules external to the core.


The core complex (CCX) contains:

  • The micro-controller CPU.

  • A single port, configurably sized RAM.

  • A single port 1K ROM.

  • An external bus port, with bridge modules for conversion between different standards.

Eventually, it will also contain debug and trace functionality.


The table below shows how the CPU memory ports are mapped through the interconnect to the RAM, ROM and external ports.

All ports have a 64-bit data bus.

Peripheral Base Address Range CPU Data CPU Instructions
ROM Port 0 0x0000000000 1K x x
RAM Port 0 0x0000010000 4-64K x x
Ext Port 0 0x0120000000 1GB x x
  • Accessing an un-mapped part of the address space will cause a LDACCESS or STACCESS exception.

  • Trying to write to the ROM will cause an STACCESS exception.